At Erotic Empowerment, our sex blog covers various facets of conscious sexuality: advocating for consent and healthy boundaries, learning to love yourself and your body, having sacred sex, practicing sex magic, healing religious sexual shame and trauma, departing from purity culture, and exploring what authentic sexuality means for you. We strive to be LGBTQ+, polyamory, and kink-inclusive on this sex blog, so please be aware that references to alternative lifestyles may be part of the content you read.
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How Mindfulness Calmed My Dental Anxiety
I've struggled with anxiety for most of my life. I've had racing thoughts about whether I was pretty enough, smart enough, good enough, and I was the classic perfectionist. Because I was of anything less than perfection, I was also extremely proud of anything that I...
Reiki 101: What is Reiki and how can it help me?
As mindfulness, energy healing, and holistic health and wellness have soared in popularity, one phrase has also become more common: Reiki. However, even if people are familiar with the word, they often don't understand what Reiki is, what it means, and how it can help...
The History of Reiki: The 3 Key Eras of Reiki History
Most of us interested in holistic healing eventually encounter a practice called Reiki. A form of energy healing, Reiki involves practitioners channeling high-vibrational, healing energy, which promotes relaxation, stress-relief, and overall health and wellness. However, while many of us know what Reiki is, we might not understand how it came about.
10 Top Reiki Websites & Reiki Blogs
If you're anything like me, the moment you learn a little bit about any topic, you want to learn more. However, when the topic is something very fringe-y and you don't know that much about it yet, sometimes it's hard to know where to find the best information on the...
4 Reasons Atlantis Might Have Actually Existed
Many of us have heard of the myth of Atlantis or, at the very least, we've seen the 2001 animated Disney film starring Michael J. Fox. Atlantis has become this thing of cultural awareness, something like Nessie or Big Foot. But, because there's no historical record,...
Tips for Crystal Children: How to Approach Life if You’re a Highly-Sensitive Indigo or Crystal Child
Earlier this year, I had an illuminating psychic reading with a woman here in Madison, Wisconsin. In 15 minutes, I learned quite a bit about certain elements of my life. The most interesting thing that I learned was that I am an Indigo and Crystal Child. And then I...